The Genius Of The Word

The Burden itself is the Genius of The Word. That Genius, the True Messiah; not by some new age teaching, but by the followers of The Nazarene! They sought the same mystical scripture we do today, books what preceed all of the Bible by 5000 years; like the Book Of Enoch does. It's important to emphasize that bible books being older than the authorized Bible, is proof that it has been shortened and it's historical context is not to be trusted at all. I find it interesting, the Bible along with Egypt is twice her projected age.

They are hiding the name of the Spirit, the Word, the Water it is washed in. She is All in All. Forever is she communing with Iouo, the One, Helios. He the Virgin Spirit; HE the ALL!! Any wishing to challenge Me, walk my path. If you think there be anything more than favor before God, claim the claims I have and fulfil the word of the Lord, so that the Key Of Life may be for all. After all, we can't have the revelation fall from the lips of a worshiper, now can we? We can't have people CHANGING what God has said, now can we? NO! We cannot DECIDE what it says; but what God HAS said, must be adhered to. One must be willing to pray, in order to be at one with the One. If he doesn't pray, he must ponder and bow before the truth. If he will not bow before the truth, he must do good deeds and please Mother Earth with humanitarian efforts and endeavors.

And when the man reaches the height of his endeavors, benefitting the nation in full, he must then, finally, be yeilded before the LORD, that all may see it and worship the One. For as we are the One, it is only collectively with the All and it must be acknowledged; leaving full awareness of our own finiteness and limited abilities, which abilities are only of ANY use to the common good. So what good is man, but to help his fellow man? Let those who have all, give all, that all may be blessed, all may be free; that none will be homeless and that none should ever be hungry on Mother Earth. For we should honor her, in whom we live and move and have our being. Earth is named for YAH, the Order and it's subjects, who are but stewards like you and me. The People must learn all over again, that no matter who we are, we may pursue the heart of Wisdom and find it in the Heart Of The Flame! The very flame of consciousness surging through your being and giving you real light, whereby to see in front of you. See by the Eye Of Light and never let anything else be your guide. You will meet me in the end; you will find the Master and he will lead you to the All.

Rep. Pelosi: Biden was his authentic self in State of the Union Address

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reacts to some GOP members heckling Joe Biden during his State of the Union address, calling it "'showbiz' to cover putting Medicare and Social Security on the table." I for one agree with the old gal. Trump's just mad he never fucked her. Who can forget the White House meeting, where he threw a tantrum like a TWO year old. He did no more White House press briefings after that either. Nancy has owned Trump's little ASS from day one; Praise God!! For that matter praise the Lord Jesus Christ!! I don't care what Trump does; he's the Wicked, not me. He will be cast into outer darkness, NOT ME!!

The Need For New Wine

It's understandable, children of earth thinking the Word threatened by changes resulting from its proper interpretation; dealing with man, his sinfulness and his 'damage is already done' TRICKS! No matter what my age, where I was living, or how many years I'd been gone, my mother always asked me, over the phone, "where you going to church?", listening for only a reply in the affirmation of her convictions about sin, the blood of Jesus and being saved from my own HORRIBLE destruction. People who think that blood was offered for their sins, whether they realise it or not, they need fit for a straight jacket! The Message Of The Cross is about the Four Directions and our natural uprightness before God; the crucifixion has nothing to do with it. While the story and the many feelings associated with it, are strong and real, so are the ones associated with Old Yeller! It's just a story, the Bible has had over 70 books excluded from it's "Canon". People know this perfectly well, but have decided to be afraid of gay people, black people, mentally disabled people; and even Enoch. The original 1611 King James Version Of The Bible had over seventy other books; but the African Canon includes them all; shame, including Enoch!

With all the talk of human nature being only sin, how do I assert that man's natural state is upright? When a person extends the arms to the Light Of The Spiritual Sky and surrenders in faith to the one true Cause, (as they understand it) they are actually taking up their natural state; and since it is only our collective ignorance as keeps us from higher understanding, then this is all a misunderstanding and the Lord's Transcendent Wisdom is surging through the houses of faith, the world over. Yet if we will not endure to the end, finding the Word & Promise, then we have come up short. The Almighty promised eternal life from the beginning in Communion with His Spirit! It is that man has turned from his true state, to a state of loving flesh and living out existence in service to bloodlust.

We who walked closely to God will hold back the truth no longer. We know what we have been lied to about; the taking away books of Wisdom from before the sight of God Almighty. This will be the last time. They don't understand that when the Children put on the Key Of Life; as great as we ever were, we will come to the science of balance and master the Universe! There will be no more death, there will be no more sin; there will be only Providence, try to remember! For it was by faith we knew; yet from a space of a time before us, why? Because all the scriptures are actually a prophecy about the coming of the Atman; again and again! Why, because in our natural state, we must learn to truly honor the truth; and we need our motivations for why. Let your motivation be life eternal!