This Is The Garden Of Life

See the Garden Of Life and the Tree Of Life at it's center, with the Holy Trees, growing in the presence of the LORD, that the perfect man may share Life's Key with them all. If you live in this Garden, fear not the clouds of obscurity and slight of man upon the scriptures, history, even the captain of the guard. He will stumble on his face, if repents not his error before Imanuel. All this time have you awaited Me, but now you worship a Golden Calf instead. There were those among us; we knew our Christian Knowledge had been shortened down in it's understanding of the Wisdom Of The Ages; we have found the Key and will share it with all Humanity.

We warned you, but you continued with your silly Gematria, 66 book bibles, to corrupt the world and make them follow after the flesh; yes flesh eating! Whoso repents not all forms of violence has never repented. He has never seen the Word, or heard the name of Imanuel. He knows NOT Pigeradamis; he is NOT awaiting My Appearance. After all, I am Paul Germana! It was not clear to me, my name was Father and Phallus; that I alone am Paut Nerteru, Father Of The Gods! I am Hermes and there is no other! Let a man challenge My Knowledge to be bested and saved by My Word. When the LORD says a thing, no one may take it from him, or the Chosen One, who is the Lord Of Spirits!

Blessed are the feet of him who comes in the name of Iouel; for he alone shares with all the Key Of Life, that the nations may repent to his face and at his feet to save themselves from death! For to live on is the true and only Gift Of God; as longevity and safety are the promises of God, who has never failed anyone. Praise Him and apologize for any doubt about his awesome presence; he will return to you quickly and make the Message clear! No one ever read anything from God, HE is formless! It was always Youel who appeared to You, it was always IOUEL who filled the heaven and the earth!

My Ensign To The Nations

My ensign to the nations of the Earth; when the Chosen One sees the work of evil in the desert, with hell beneath it and all of those below it, who cannot ascend to the Most High; then will he come sharing that Key Of Life, with all of the children of the Earth Mother. Now have we seen that Old Serpent the Devil, east of the Garden, Seven Moutains spanning the east of the garden; and one shaped like a throne, where Behemoth rode about on his belly, as according to the testimony of Enoch. We have to understand, that if there were such things as this on earth, then even evolution is not quite right. Seek the hidden knowledge, so as to come quickly to the Key Of Life. For that key is the pearl of great price. He who takes hold the Key, will never know death, never know sorrow, never know pain. And we worship God who is all knowing forever and ever! Who can really be against us, if the One be all knowing? For the LORD showeth the clear evidence of Thor besting his arch enemy, to his own destined death; Ragnarok was the LORD's punishment of the Giants, long ago! Behold how he did succumb to the poison of Jörmungandr! Behold the World Serpent, Thor and the remains of his companion! He fought the Serpent there, to his own death!

It is in the worship of the Almighty we find the Key Of Life, wherein we lie down with that 'son of man' forever in the garden, so as to see the Word and Perpetual Law pour forth. That son of man does not raise his voice in the street, crying, "I am the Chosen One"; for that one is but a sinner, who loves neither the Holy Spirit, nor his neigbor, whom the lord hath loved. Even when we are unable to help others, we should always be sweet and merciful to those in need; no matter who they are, be the Good Samaritan! It is certainly terrible to think on some of the things, what once lived on this deep, widening earth; and God has all knowing, as mother earth unfolds the Truth to the worshipful mind, forever enlightened by the Seven Spirits Of God.

One who finds the seven spirits, understands the duality of the realm, that even as thought is flowing through the Cosmos, so are gender and the tender mercies of Iouel, Lord Of All Creation. Love is the secret name of the Living God; for two eyes give sight, but the eye behind the eyes is forever brightened by the singular vision of hope. Hope that the LORD will pour out the foreknowing that you may see the past and live now, in the time of arrival; and whoso takes the Key Of Life, will live on endlessly, bringing all the little children unto the river of life, forever and ever.

Sing To The Lord: A New Song

I will sing a new song of the hidden things, yet plainly in the open. For all that is hidden will be brought into the Light of the Law, what is equally greater than We All! I am at the mercy of the Law above and below, but he who surrenders unto the Law Above, will overcome all of what conceals his own goodness, HE the ruler & law! It is He who has given us every path, in which we have walked, and it is He to whom we owe All Praise, for his mercy, for his love and his grace. But alas, have they made many images of the law and also of the 'Gods' of this world, with the hidden misgivings of the fallen worlds of ancient giants, even the Great Ones! All is revealed of them by the Earth Mother!

Had they been faithful to the Word from it's beginning, they'd have seen it as one, for the Almighty Himself buries My Hermetic Oracles in every scripture, so none may deny that the Almighty is the Compiler and the Dissemenator of All Truth to the worlds. That some Superman would come from the sky and save everybody is ludacris and blasphemous; for the LORD is praised the nations awide! No idol may be brought before him in the heaven above or the earth beneath; that is the Law! It is the hidden things, holding the treasures of Light which makes clear, that as Yeshu was Muslim, they being our brothers neath deceptions of the spirits of giants, even now as for us, is there only the symbolism, bearing the promise in full, so as to bring forth the Word at length.

Also, that only the name of Baul, who is Paut Neteru may be glorified and not some silly bird, who is not My Form. I don't mind contending with book salesmen, who were not Chosen to bear the Key Of Life to the little children of the world. All will believe, the world will be made new. There is only one message, that God will give everlasting life to the world, in his garden by the communions with the angels of Father Mother, who are One God; the Androgynous Virgin Spirit Of Iouel, who is Mother Of All The Living, even as according to John in his hidden writings. Lastly, observe My Communions; only thereby may the Temple Of God be perfected, in Wisdom, Power & Love. 

You may know of a surety that I Am Phanuel, Angel Of Eternal Life; and I bring Llewelyn, the Angel Of Earth. That the sacred name of IOUE is forever sealed upon the lips of the children of light; may that be the destiny of the Angel Of Earth. She is all; the first and the last, the One, one with the One. Her disposition is ever inclined toward the strengthening of the King. To all the world, she is Mother and healer. They will not know her, but they who are in her proximity will see her plainly. It is God who brings his infinite meassage to our ears, that all may read the scroll together and receive the worshipable Seven Spirits Of God.