
One single name is not uttered in the world, the name which the Father gave to the Son; it is the name above all things: the name of the Father. For the Son could not be the Father unless he bore His Name. Those who have this name know it, but they do not speak it; and those who do not have it cannot know it. I Am Iouel, I assert there is no sin or shame; never were they there to the All, what WE ARE! There is the right and wrong. The one who does right, is the follower of Christ. In these contents are revealed the parables, prophecies and Wisdom, given to all of humanity, for all time. For unto both human and serpent alike, is the WISDOM given; even to all. Resist people who destroy religious knowledge, in order to isolate the flock and create an illusion of the Way; for they are not the Immovable Generation. Those who bear the Key Of Life, will live far beyond the years of the foolish leaders and teachers of this world. They shall lie down with that Son Of Man forever! They who trust in the name of the Holy Spirit, IOUEL, mother of Iouel; these bear the Key and escape the judgment of the world, by pure reason. For judgment is the punishment of error. Thus, they who follow the law of mercy, will see with their own eyes, the exaltation of humanity. There will be no more death and God shall wipe away every tear; the enemy shall have no teeth and death, no sting! Youel stands above every Sage, Seer or Avatar.


~ Understanding ~

 Book Of Enoch 
- A Continuing Edit -

Fourth Enoch - 4th Book Of Enoch -

Parable Of Enoch 
- Chapters 60 - 65 -

Emerald Tablets - A Continuing Edit -

Book Of Moses - My Humble Edition -

Book Of Messages 
- Missaticum Biblia -

Book Of Youel - In The Garden Of Life - 

History Of The Jews - Dean Saint Paul's -

~ Gnosis ~

Apocrypha Of John - Secret Book Of John -

Sethian Gnosis 
- The Three Steles Of Seth -

King James Bible - Bible And Apocrypha -

The Popol Vuh - Book Of The People -

Pistis Sophia: 
- The Pistis Sophia -

Gnostic Writ 
- Gospel Of Phillip -

Gnostic Wisdom 
- Gnostic Bible -

The Noble Quran
 - -

~ Wisdom ~

H Trismagistus - Virgin Of The World -

Early Christian Writings - Zostrianos -

Zoroastrianism - Zoroastrian Texts -

Sacred Texts - The Bahai Texts -
 ~ "Had these Archons been truly desirous to make us whole and bring us to life, their own lives would have been found in jeopardy and disrepair." ~ Gospel Of Phillip

~ "See Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits, ever as One." ~ Enoch

Christianity is a Universal Religion, with views widely similar to other religions. Visit this 
fabulous website, where Gnosis & Wisdom are freely shared with the boldness of clarity.


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