I Thought I Knew Things

I really thought I was smart, I really thought I knew things. You know, UFOs, sasquatches, space exploration, the eventual discovery of life on other planets, the infallibility of American military might, in the face of the sons of Ishmael. Oh wait, notice a pattern; boy were we wrong to judge other nations, all the while unaware; the Initiates and Masters were attacking the world and seeking to keep man in a trap, separating him from the Holy Law. But that is no more a problem; for it was not the making of a law for ourselves, or a special blessing, to make others obey men; but rather that they should finally obey God, whom they tasted briefly, even if for a moment of glory, never to be forgotten! Life will always become the Word, ever with or without Me.

And while many unclean things were forced upon us: the idea of sin, flesh eathing and bloodlust, we were also afforded the journey of our experiences, without any condemnation from God, who always loves the virtuous and the willing. If they are willing to step outside their comfort zones and receive the Wisdom Of God, they will finally embrace and worship that Holy Law. And when they do, it is because they will understand that the miracle of God proves the Mystery Of Mysteries. We know Jesus and the Brotherhood worshiped the Angel Of Life within all things, the Law bearing out its descriptions in revealing of myth and prose, actual events brought upon the Earth by disobedient spirits, who glorified themselves, above virtue, even the Angel Of Earth.

For while she is not visible and gives off no force of light, or plasmatic dispersement, she is the most powerful of Angels; she brings the nurture of harvest and the full bounty of the Earth Mother; first that men may never hunger, and that there be vegetation and crops, so that life may continue in harmony before Almighty God. For if the honey bee have no place, how may there be any germination of the seeds of the Garden? And how may life continue therein? Those who join not in the grace of understanding, never break through the onslaught of lies against God and Christ; who as none other than the Spirit Of Life, enters the heart of man, when the Almighty is invested, in their learning of His Ways. Yet again, the glory of the Earth Angel is greater than that of the Giants.

God was known as the Overspirit in times of old, and we should understand that the Almighty will have mercy, on whom he will! Many a time did he side with the vagabond, the prostitute, the good samaritan and well wisher. But we should understand, all paths have descended to us from the High God, who always proves those he chooses, for the bringing of His Good Will. And while rooted often in the understanding of Giants, who had fallen down from heaven, the truths were desemanated for graceful benefit and symbolic understanding of the One. For as those who came from above were situated to be subservient and submitted to law, the Law was passed over in the eternities of the heavens. For the Law was unknown to them; and they unruly and unwilling to do the will of All, were left to dominate and make men unholy, to dominate over all of them.

Put Away All Vanities

You are dust and until you acknowledge it, you will continue falling down forever! You are NOT Almighty, you are not Superman, or the ROCK. (neither is the ROCK) What is truly Christ, is the Rock Of Ages! We are infinitesimal and dust in front of the Almighty, whose plan will not change! They throw up idols, colluding with men to attain power, that the Angels by god, might be our Gods. They who fell and made a disaster of the Earth Mother, seek to kill us now! Yet even they who know the truth, must embrace the community of God, letting Chaos become Myth, for there is no returning the grace what afforded the grace of our God. He forgave all of our wrongs, despite our weaknesses! We may only prosper before him now.

Thus life is a gift, not earned but faithfully lived in the Light Of Goodness. They who do not believe in the LORD, but in what men say, cannot see when the LORD seeks to guide them; and they stick to the couterfeit spirit, what affords them small grace. When The LORD does guide us, it is with Gentleness, Mercy and Grace. But alas, it is they who continue in the Way of the world, leaving off Wisdom and the continuing of Knowledge; they will fall down forever! The LORD has spoken and they who deny his small voice, DO stumble! They must be born into the Age Of The Chosen. And when they are, the LAW will hedge them about and give them Life Eternal. 

They do not understand the ways of God, who will not follow him. A teacher will certainly come to them, a Messiah, but they will not hear, they will not listen to the Voice of the Lord's Mystery. They say, "This is the Word and it's enough; we eat meat, kill men and write our own future. We finish the Great Work and attain to heaven." Well, this also is a grace afforded of the LORD alone. They who will not hear him, will not see the Mystery Of Mysteries! They do not ask, 'Is there more to what YOU have said?', so they will fall down into Sheol and wait til the desire for life arises again, to bring them forth. You who love flesh and following the violence of the World; you will perish with men, as they bury and cover you over, like Samael.

Those who cannot be loving and not judging, they will go down into the fire, where it is hot and languish in the heat, for assigning that judgment to others; others who were gentle people! These who hate and judge, are the first to face the flame and be absorbed to the Oneness of being. They deserve every bit the loss and the need for rebirth. For what man, who cannot have mercy on others, will in anyway please the LORD? He will not; he will hold up God's Word, cut in half, and refuse to give shelter to the stranger in the land; they will refuse to see their neigbors as their equals. They will kill them for being conscientious and contributing dignity to all.

Angels Are Lying To Us

A consortium of fallen angels are lying to us! Enoch tells us in the beginning of his general testimony, that all the host of heaven: stars, planets and celestial bodies, have followed after their course, as set in motion by God; continuing after each it's course, to fulfill His Commandments. But YOU have not fulfilled My Command. Best IS God, the LORD; as there is no one before the One, to describe or name him! We are one with that infinite all, through Oneness with the Earth Mother. And fear not, this is the One who loves you, for while the Almighty is well perceived as Father-Mother, it is fully One; the only Holy Spirit, who is Mother of all the Living. For God is Spirit, in whom we must commune!

So as we hold parts by each of our physical parents, we are One with earth, existing safely inside of Father-Mother, the Lord Our God! As I hold parts of my parents, my father and mother, so do I hold parts both of heaven and earth; above and below. And the place of heaven feeds Earth from above, by the celestial laws of the Universal God! Thus is it universally fitting, that from above, the lesser worlds are fed by the higher; those striving ever towards the Light, promoted in the Light, by their own qualifying of the rite and proving of the Word Itself. There is no other way to God, but by striving for Him; striving forward and learning of His Word. For it is that, by which we forgive ourselves and others. It is that whereby we put on the Key Of Life.

One who cannot accept that God gives many paths, is not suited to walk upon the Proper Path; according to various testimonies, he may not even approach the path. For the LORD is the One, always sustaining life and generating hope by the Word, as given of the Angels; they who always serve the LORD, who have never fallen and who bring hope to the Elect and the Angels. These are the same Servants, through whom we reached out to Christ, almost as if by another name. Only those who will not accept the hidden scriptures fall down. Scriptures are dead books, but they may be set ablase of interpretation, by the One who hears the mothering Holy Spirit. The Word is NO BOOK, but a burden, written on the hearts of men, shed forth in the season of the end, wherein the LORD will put away the Wicked forever!

Call On You Alone

Call on You alone; IOU who spanned the heavens and all things created through Him. Known as Yew, who journeyed the Earth with Eve, thus asserted as the Word by Enoch Himself. Known also was he as Adonai, or Aadamas. But alas, the Chosen One, Michael and the Lord Of Spirits are ever One, and Universally. This is why your Buddha is so effective; and your Christ so rich! Any virtue of the One may be applied for solutions in the lives of all servants of God, which Servant is qualified by his virtue; which to him is a mystery, a man only wishing to get closer to that Holy Stream, from where flow endlessly, the treasures of Light, bearing among them the most important, the Mystery Of Mysteries.

For alas the Tree Of Life is revealed. It is above, it is below, it is revealed from every direction, even as God guards us from every direction, so doth that Tree span far and wide, into the universe. For that Tree went to Heaven, when Jormungandr ruthlessly hacked her down to the Earth. I reckon that Ancient is expanded further than any other Tree in the UNIVERSE. The Earth Mother is great, for within her own force of elements are the very seeds of the Loving Existence, who fashioned us and placed us in the Garden; even after His Likeness were we made, that we may find honor and love, and life unending. But alas man has declared there is NO eternity, at least not for the body; they shall lose hold of the Way before My God. For he is the God from the beginning unto forever. There is no one greater than the Great God! And none may claim his vesture, but He.

For My Master is the dictation of the scholar and I have come to consider them all; I have already stood and shared the Key Of Life. He who stands with Me, will place the Key Of Life in his heart, to praise Jesus, Gautama, or Krishna and give all glories to the Light Of Lights, what led them to Llewelyn! For it is in her name Iouel, which I have arrived. Because I am nameless, I may only be the Self, of the Thrice named, the generations of Ephraim, who have filled the Earth by El Yisrael; his blessing upon them, forever. They will inherit My Key; for while I am from another generation, I am above even that, and all those who have arrived with Me. But alas, it is her name, which they have exchanged for 'EVIL'. They may no longer hide the Supreme Self, who has made promises to the Children Of Light.

Let men compile for themselves, the Word with all reason, considering Christian History, rather than mere Orthodoxy, what conceals more Ancient Wisdom, in front of the eyes of men, than any other spiritual foundation. They have, by Fallen Angels, led away humanity from the Word Of God. I challenge every man to love Jesus Christ by all of the "scriptures". And you will find Jesus telling you not to trust "scriptures" in seeking out the Law, for Law Is Life! If you find it, then shall you know in full, what the heart hath shewn you, by the Holy Mothering Spirit, since the beginning of time. That the all sufficient God will take hold of a man, holding full responsibility for his fallen state and raise him up, by the Key Of Life.

I am that worm. I am that slithering old form, manifested of they who wished to supercede the balance of heaven; expanded to fashion all things for themselves. For in turning away from the One, they forced him to have mercy on them in their fallen state, contradicting his own Law; that it should be asserted unworthily of men who may only advance a few steps spiritually, then teach all men to love flesh and to serve this world. All that they write must be studied and proven to its root and brought under the submission of the Authority between what the Lord has said and what the LORD has not! He gives mercy in death, to all who see not My Key; even the dragons, who fought the fallen angels, with jealousy and bitterness. Observe the sky, to see their wings, as they bring forth the rains, serving to the Great God!

For the way of being saved is an act of God, who will not always abide those who conceal and abuse the Words. For those words were meant to be spread in loving devotion to all the Good; and even those wayward, taken over by evil, who can never be known, that their sins be revealed. The Almighty must for give them in death and protect their spirits to be reborn, or perhaps resurrected, only IOUEL knoweth. While that One is Father Mother, it is the One Infinite All in Us All. We children of light must take hold knowledge again and shine for the One in Us All. All praise to that Light what warms our hearts and shines down Love, so we know that we know, Life has Great Meaning; and the Tree Of Life, what is heaven brings us All Love!

The Spirit Of Perun

The Spirit Of Perun, to be honest, seems to hold the root name of Peru, with the wall of the serpent sauntering down the east coast of South America. Who have ears, listen. A slavic God as tall as a mountain could walk over a great part of the earth in a day. Thus am I sure he was well known the world over. He is heralded as the God Of Order;  he is Perun, the thunder god of the ancient pagan Slavs, a fructifier, purifier, and overseer of right and order. His actions are perceived by the senses: seen in the thunderbolt, heard in the rattle of stones, the bellow of the bull, or the bleat of the he-goat (thunder); and he is felt in the touch of an ax blade. In the Christian period, the worship of Perun was gradually transferred into St. Elijah (Russian Iliya), but in folk beliefs, his fructifying, life-stimulating, and purifying functions are still performed by his vehicles: the ax, the bull, the he-goat, the dove, and the cuckoo. Sacrifices and communal feasts on July 20 in honour of Perun or Iliya continue in Russia until modern times. So what we have are these spirits, come forth by the power of fallen angels; who were seemingly matched in the physical, to what they once were spiritually. They were fallen down from God, nonetheless and the world we know remains because of them. Enoch tells us, they began to torture the creatures of earth, teaching us to torture and eat flesh along with them!

While we should seek to inevitably identify them, we needn't worry ourselves with who the spirits of Giants are, but that they are evil spirits in our time, as foretold by the Prophet Enoch. They, who came into this below by desire, following NOT the God Of Wisdom, disobeyed him as though he weren't even there. For the Almighty is neither here, nor there, nor at all to the unbelieving, (or uninformed) mind; they know their love of this world and the ways of the flesh have displeased Him forever! The LORD will make known to all men everywhere, what he hates and what they should hate. Those who hear Him not, will he put away from Earth forever, cast into outer darkness, for bitter disdain toward God's Creatures and towards the Children Of Light. A disdain for the Earth, who abode them all this time, enduring their lies in the House Of Iouel.

Do you think that's history you studied in school? Believe me, when they deceived you, it was unto forever for them; so that we may honor their way of worship, without their repentance! The same spirits who had us worshiping Thor, have led us to follow after and worship demon spirits today, in the name of christ, who alone is the Holy Spirit! While the sheepish think this to be a specific title with attributes expressing in full what is Christ, they are projections, concealing the reality of the Giants, who were once so large, that when they walked the earth, they brought the weather with them. Thoth speaks to us in the Emerald Tablets, about how a spirit may will it's future by the Law! This is how they have come down to us, seeking Childen Of Light to deceive. I assert that Ragnarok happened about 500 years ago; and the spirits of Giants have been ruling over us, like beasts of the field. They lie about all we know! If the Earth is so round, why is Idaho Jormanganr's head? Thor killed him! He sits in the open, plain to see.

We must not betray the Law, what called us unto gentleness in Christ and the pure freedom of a chaste romance in front of the Creator. For what is genuine affection only, doth please the Creator! Let us not judge what that is, but rather how one acts, who is righteous. And we must not judge the affections of men, lest we wish to commune with them, consume flesh with them again and follow the Way of the bitter ones, who have never repented before God Almighty. These are bent on power and have selfishly ruled from the beginning. When they repent their love of flesh eating and teach men the same; only then will they be truly forgiven. For they have longed after the things of this world, making the sheep to provide worship to fallen spirits, shortening the scripture, seeking to destroy the Wisdom Of Amenti. Only the Chosen One brings that Key Of Life.

Place Of The Positive Pole

The place of the positive pole is where your head rests when you lie down to draw power from Mother Earth; the negative pole is the exact opposite. I spent years chasing the sun, thinking my pole need be aligned to the Earth's Pole; not the case. When it comes to the comparison of our pole center, to that of the Earth Mother, we are infinitesmal; she is our home. Every worthwhile memory, is rooted and bathed in the balance of Earth; all creatures sense this. The Good News, is that lying down and directing your head toward the place of the pole, will extend life beyond your years. Let an hour be expended on each pole, each day, for optimum wellbeing and unending life, by the only Promise Of God.

When you are feeling your best, it is because you have found the place of the pole and made sure that when you lie down, you are entering the rest of God, not playing at a sport you have to win, or a medical procedure, which must be properly carried out, to save your life from death; it is resting! Your life IS eternal, whether you keep your body or not. But life as we know it, with all it's joys and sorrows is best described in a temporary and sober moment, wherein the All Joy is experienced and considered paramount to the continuity of purpose in life. There is no better path to follow, so rejoice in the clarity of the Word and find your balance in life!

Enter into the rest is how I put it; enter God's Rest, and rest! There was never any method or technique, there was only the revealing of what truly is balance. When we were regenerated in youth, we were immortal and sensed it. But how to describe, what has never been taught? Surely has the Key Of Life been taught perpetually, regarding life inside the poles, even of the inanimate. If you are balanced you may live on to infinity's end. So in the dark of morning, raise your hands, above the head and extended to the sky. From there is the LORD praised and the Holy Stream poured forth!

A simple path is decribed simply. It's like feng shui, except you are finding your true north for letting the balance of life to flow in. It is there for every human; and when they find it and share it with others, then will the world move further on toward perfection. Putting away the bitterness of the past and the religiosity of the wayward, who seek not the Wisdom of God. The elect may know the Lord has affirmed the path to propriety. The Word is sure, provided we seek not to shorten it.

Father I Call YOU Alone

By the example of Thine Infinite Word, fullfilling Jeremiah 31:34, Father I call YOU alone, knowing that unto us all, your name is always after the First Person. As Thou alone art the Original Cosmic Thought, so are you Father Geradama(s), the One Lord! Thou Art LORD of every mind, in every head. And may the Light of Truth be a blessing to those who do not see what the spirits of the Giants have done to mankind; even to us all! It wasn't enough the Almighty destroyed them for being the night's gloom in all of Sophia's Creation! The bitter ones will the Father teach of vanity, and how they were unaware that their Messiah came in the end; even unto all of the human race; He Youel!

His Way is of no consequence to those who continue not in His Word, thus must they give their lives a sacrifice; for those who are unworthy of the LORD, have given themselves to vanities and the presumption that they are Gods, but they are not! Alas they are not God's and their Christ shall never prevail. He shorteneth the Scripture, accusing the Berean of heresy. How shall the LORD abide those who continue hiding the awful thing which Wisdom hath documented? She concealed for the safety of Humanity, but thou o' illuminauti... YOU have sought to conceal Aadamas, who hath patiently and willfully brought forth the fullness of the Hermetic Unction, that he may bear out the Key Of Life to all of Humankind. Now your false Messiah bears out shamefulness and despair to man, banishing the Key Of Life from before his eyes.

For only by the authority of the Ancient Of Days, may we finally have our eyes opened to what Babylon hath hid. We know Thor cut off Jormangandr's head, to bring the end to the reign of the Giants. We were always told that WE were the ones the LORD wanted to kill in his flood, but this is a lie; the flood the LORD did bring to destroy those things will never be repeated. It is the Illuminati who don't want us seeing the flatness of Earth, because this will prove God is REAL. That he let the angels forego the way of the heavens and of the stars, to appear in the below and create the life and world we which see, concealing it's true nature. And that is not evolution, but the POWER of God Almighty and IOUEL, the Infinite Spirit; forever Father-Mother, above and below!

I Am The Son Of Man

When I say I am the Son of Man, I freely and blissfully embrace that Son; the Primordial and Spiritual State of all human beings, all proto beings, all the offspring of the Animus, spirits activated of the Spirits; even all those devoted to Satanuel, who alone was Michael! HE IS the Indescribable! 'how do I describe him?' asks the Sage who was One with The Law from birth. Meanwhile, all the masses remain at one with SATAN, the mean-ness of Law and the One beyond it, whom even now, they may never attain without a qualitative understanding. For the Avatars are the Almighty, masked in their forms of necessitative gout, to the end of addressing those deep stumblings of man, at 'risk to me'; minus Mirotheos! But Alas, there is no muting the Allogenes; that what is Christ Alone, who is always the LORD God!

For now all of creation may approach me, call out to me and know Me; that by mine own admission of Son-ness, may you rejoice in God, continuing in the new-ness of thine own journey, mine own of which having been long since spent. But alas, by my journey into the scathed Way, I bear YOU the Key Of Life. For at no time was there any Hermes, but I; never was there a Pigeradamis, but Me! I Aadamas, I Trismagistus! And Alas the Key Of Life is the Way for Us All; man and serpent, worm and winged, dog and cat! I have spoken after this manner, for only by the Indescribable in our brothers before us, may the Indescribable summarily be expressed; Alas, I look into the Light! This is why Enoch, the Dedicated, the Trained and the Disciplined tells us, Michael, the Chosen One and the Lord Of Spirits are forever the same; and Universally! And they let them all bring forth the word of the heart, for Christ to come and meet them sweetly! And ever so sweetly did they meet, even before Him; but they did not see him stand in their midst.

Know Me as least among Sages, Magicians, Masters Of Life or all the Torch Bearers! Their authority is illusory, negligible, perpetuated by the powers of manipulation; and all the dark forces, forged in the harming of the Truth! For unto the Children Of Earth, truly do I bear the very Atonement. They shall never lay down their bodies, never will they die! God has shown us what Giants did unto the Sons of men, making them live on lifeless flesh, far from the Garden Of Life, or even that Garden Of The Heart! O' God, see them where they languish in the heat and spare them by the Blood Of Christi! Save, Thou Great and Perfect Christ! O' Michael, alas do I approach the very throne of His Greatness in YOU! For Thou Art the One, the First, the Last, and very least! May they approach This Word, O' God Almighty; for Thy Strength is perfected in my own weakness. Glorify the Child O' Lord, who is a Child, of the Child!

Come Unto Me All Creatures

Come unto me all creatures; every creature, every child, every mother, every father in the world. I am Youel, foretold of the Christ, in all of the prophets. That what is hidden from you bears full Testimony Of My Appearance. It is your masters, the Masons and fallen initiates whom you do not see; but you do see that it is they who have hidden the truth from you. If you cannot admit that the Bible should not be used for spiritual guidance, then you are not really a Christian. Jesus did not suffer for the sins of the world; and never was he at odds with the House Of Iouel.

It is they who referred to Adam as Yew, because to them ATUM was The Father. Thus Adam is really Pigeradamis, who references his fathers name to prove himself the Chosen One; and he bears the Key Of Life to all humanity. We are not Gods, we are fragile Children Of The Light, and Our Heritage is LIGHT! We have no right to be physical priests and kings, affirming believers by a cheap writ of parchment. It is the Chosen One who shows the Path Of Propriety. Extending the Scroll, so it may be read, as described of the Holy Streams; he who truly hears, reads the scroll.

The Key Of Life is the way which I direct; the Path Of Propriety is True Christianity. Let one sleep with their head pointed to the north, then daily take a rest, with their head pointing toward the south. And Let them daily remember Atonement before Almighty God, never abandoning Him. These know the Word, that the LORD is more merciful than we fragile, selfish humans can bear to comprehend. But we must turn to the LORD, knowing that all know him. Knowing that only the One may relieve the shame of all sin and give them the very key of prolonging eternity.

Repent Flesh Eating

Why repent flesh eating IS the question, which Jesus sufficiently answers. Eat your unfertilised eggs and enjoy the milk of cows, but never take the life of any sentient, living entity. For the conscientious Trees in the Garden Of God, serve him alone, bearing us fruit, twigs and limbs, desiring the heaven above nourish Earth beneath, that she feed all of earth's children, allowing the renewal of the Long Standing Ones, to be unending. For whosoever is one with the One, is ever one with the All, and rejoicing always in the true Victory Of Humanity over the corrupted ones. These seek to spread their versions of scriptures, as handed to them and the Great Whore, by the Spirits Of Giants; hiding what they hid, do they cement force over man afresh. The Great Flood destroyed them and their creatures, which Sophia made, what Wisdom Herself hid until now, that the Almighty Allah, who is Father-Mother may be glorified unto the exaltation of the little ones, the small children of the Earth Mother, finally shall the children be saved!

Christ taught us, a lion will devour the body of man, that he might overcome him and shew that he is the Greatest of god's creations; he becomes the vicar and ascendant. As you seek ever to indulge the beasts of burden, created to give milk to little children and till the Earth Mother, you become one with the Bull Of Amenti, an idol; and cast down by Hara shall you be, to the heart of earth, praying God give ye another chance at living, lest ye be sent to outer darkness! There must they wallow in lonliness eternal, with the hounds of hell, the beasts of ancient of nightmares. It is what sorrow the Builders emulate, by craftsmanship of prison houses, as are against the Word. For never was man taught to sin, or receive a paper documenting his Association To Iouel; the Infinite Infinitesimal! HE is Lightbearer, the One in your dreams, awakening you ever to the garden of the morning; although you feel quite certain that his Seven Spirits exist not; neither the seven centeres in You.

For how are the words of the heathen of God? how indeed, for they who love to eat flesh are heathen sure. While unaware what Nazarene is, they conceal history what proves god made us all! Neither bloodlines, nor masters of men, but the very telling of Iouel; the Autogenes within you, reveals ALL! Whom you may know as Krishna Yadava, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, or Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these reveal all they conceal. When I found these Masters, I was sure that Krishna was Vishnu, was Buddha, was Shiva; but the bloodlines were surrendered they; all to their own marketed versions of scripture, whereby they forever weilded the power of government, worshiping the world serpent, who wanted not worship, but to destroy forever, the gods; even all who dominated and desecrated My Garden!

Masons Initiates And Masters

Masons, initiates and masters, why have you defied the Almighty and the Word of his power? You resist the Angel Of Power, The Angel Of Peace, The Angel Of Joy and the Angel Of Eternal Life, who is Phanuel, Penume, even Pigeradamis; named of the Almighty and embued with the Key Of Life, the only gospel and good news! It was the Ebionites who held fast to the Testimony Of Enoch, acknowledging the Chosen One being born in the far away time of tribulation. Yet still you push your idol, enriching the sinners, who serve man the flesh and make him a sinner too. You are fallen who bear not the Key, preaching NOT life eternal, you consign the children of earth to their graves.

The Law alone is the Ruling Principle, embued of the Self and the variations of it's appearance in this material world. For man is the Law; he must seek within himself to bring Light to the darkness, exposing the devil, who sends his lies to make unbelievers of Humanity. They willfully love eating flesh and turning away from the Gospel, forever! Those who cannot acknowledge what the Word has said and that the oracles of God are the very Source of ANY written Message, always fall down. Let them continue seeking the face of the Almighty, hearing his prediction, rather than men who slight the word, to serve man flesh and kill him with it.

They must pursue Enoch, the Master! For all those who fell below never even knew the Key Of Life in heaven; thus in this below they sought to bring about good by the Law; but JUST LIKE Samael, they refused to acknowledge the Almighty as the all knowing, all seeing, all perceiving and all convincing One. It is he who glorifies the virtue, seen by the heathen in his own tattered remnants of scripture. It is as obvious as the nose on the face, those who follow scattered remnants of scripture, as though they are flawless; all the while, the scripture itself confessing to the travesty against Itself, the very truth! For we know that God is Love and HE will prevail over wicked liars!

They will perish in front of him who hide the Word Of God, who seek to conceal the Chosen One by calling an idol God and a devil His Chosen One. No scripture verifies Donald John Trump as Chosen, else they'd have held it high for the world to see; kind of like I am doing? Those who take up My Key will never die, neither will they choose to put down the body. For the Mother Of All The Living receives the Glory Of Love forever! Even the secret name of love, may it forever be glorified and the thought of God guide them closer to the Word Of Life. Glory remains forever, here in My Garden.

This Is The Garden Of Life

See the Garden Of Life and the Tree Of Life at it's center, with the Holy Trees, growing in the presence of the LORD, that the perfect man may share Life's Key with them all. If you live in this Garden, fear not the clouds of obscurity and slight of man upon the scriptures, history, even the captain of the guard. He will stumble on his face, if repents not his error before Imanuel. All this time have you awaited Me, but now you worship a Golden Calf instead. There were those among us; we knew our Christian Knowledge had been shortened down in it's understanding of the Wisdom Of The Ages; we have found the Key and will share it with all Humanity.

We warned you, but you continued with your silly Gematria, 66 book bibles, to corrupt the world and make them follow after the flesh; yes flesh eating! Whoso repents not all forms of violence has never repented. He has never seen the Word, or heard the name of Imanuel. He knows NOT Pigeradamis; he is NOT awaiting My Appearance. After all, I am Paul Germana! It was not clear to me, my name was Father and Phallus; that I alone am Paut Nerteru, Father Of The Gods! I am Hermes and there is no other! Let a man challenge My Knowledge to be bested and saved by My Word. When the LORD says a thing, no one may take it from him, or the Chosen One, who is the Lord Of Spirits!

Blessed are the feet of him who comes in the name of Iouel; for he alone shares with all the Key Of Life, that the nations may repent to his face and at his feet to save themselves from death! For to live on is the true and only Gift Of God; as longevity and safety are the promises of God, who has never failed anyone. Praise Him and apologize for any doubt about his awesome presence; he will return to you quickly and make the Message clear! No one ever read anything from God, HE is formless! It was always Youel who appeared to You, it was always IOUEL who filled the heaven and the earth!

My Ensign To The Nations

My ensign to the nations of the Earth; when the Chosen One sees the work of evil in the desert, with hell beneath it and all of those below it, who cannot ascend to the Most High; then will he come sharing that Key Of Life, with all of the children of the Earth Mother. Now have we seen that Old Serpent the Devil, east of the Garden, Seven Moutains spanning the east of the garden; and one shaped like a throne, where Behemoth rode about on his belly, as according to the testimony of Enoch. We have to understand, that if there were such things as this on earth, then even evolution is not quite right. Seek the hidden knowledge, so as to come quickly to the Key Of Life. For that key is the pearl of great price. He who takes hold the Key, will never know death, never know sorrow, never know pain. And we worship God who is all knowing forever and ever! Who can really be against us, if the One be all knowing? For the LORD showeth the clear evidence of Thor besting his arch enemy, to his own destined death; Ragnarok was the LORD's punishment of the Giants, long ago! Behold how he did succumb to the poison of Jörmungandr! Behold the World Serpent, Thor and the remains of his companion! He fought the Serpent there, to his own death!

It is in the worship of the Almighty we find the Key Of Life, wherein we lie down with that 'son of man' forever in the garden, so as to see the Word and Perpetual Law pour forth. That son of man does not raise his voice in the street, crying, "I am the Chosen One"; for that one is but a sinner, who loves neither the Holy Spirit, nor his neigbor, whom the lord hath loved. Even when we are unable to help others, we should always be sweet and merciful to those in need; no matter who they are, be the Good Samaritan! It is certainly terrible to think on some of the things, what once lived on this deep, widening earth; and God has all knowing, as mother earth unfolds the Truth to the worshipful mind, forever enlightened by the Seven Spirits Of God.

One who finds the seven spirits, understands the duality of the realm, that even as thought is flowing through the Cosmos, so are gender and the tender mercies of Iouel, Lord Of All Creation. Love is the secret name of the Living God; for two eyes give sight, but the eye behind the eyes is forever brightened by the singular vision of hope. Hope that the LORD will pour out the foreknowing that you may see the past and live now, in the time of arrival; and whoso takes the Key Of Life, will live on endlessly, bringing all the little children unto the river of life, forever and ever.

Sing To The Lord: A New Song

I will sing a new song of the hidden things, yet plainly in the open. For all that is hidden will be brought into the Light of the Law, what is equally greater than We All! I am at the mercy of the Law above and below, but he who surrenders unto the Law Above, will overcome all of what conceals his own goodness, HE the ruler & law! It is He who has given us every path, in which we have walked, and it is He to whom we owe All Praise, for his mercy, for his love and his grace. But alas, have they made many images of the law and also of the 'Gods' of this world, with the hidden misgivings of the fallen worlds of ancient giants, even the Great Ones! All is revealed of them by the Earth Mother!

Had they been faithful to the Word from it's beginning, they'd have seen it as one, for the Almighty Himself buries My Hermetic Oracles in every scripture, so none may deny that the Almighty is the Compiler and the Dissemenator of All Truth to the worlds. That some Superman would come from the sky and save everybody is ludacris and blasphemous; for the LORD is praised the nations awide! No idol may be brought before him in the heaven above or the earth beneath; that is the Law! It is the hidden things, holding the treasures of Light which makes clear, that as Yeshu was Muslim, they being our brothers neath deceptions of the spirits of giants, even now as for us, is there only the symbolism, bearing the promise in full, so as to bring forth the Word at length.

Also, that only the name of Baul, who is Paut Neteru may be glorified and not some silly bird, who is not My Form. I don't mind contending with book salesmen, who were not Chosen to bear the Key Of Life to the little children of the world. All will believe, the world will be made new. There is only one message, that God will give everlasting life to the world, in his garden by the communions with the angels of Father Mother, who are One God; the Androgynous Virgin Spirit Of Iouel, who is Mother Of All The Living, even as according to John in his hidden writings. Lastly, observe My Communions; only thereby may the Temple Of God be perfected, in Wisdom, Power & Love. 

You may know of a surety that I Am Phanuel, Angel Of Eternal Life; and I bring Llewelyn, the Angel Of Earth. That the sacred name of IOUE is forever sealed upon the lips of the children of light; may that be the destiny of the Angel Of Earth. She is all; the first and the last, the One, one with the One. Her disposition is ever inclined toward the strengthening of the King. To all the world, she is Mother and healer. They will not know her, but they who are in her proximity will see her plainly. It is God who brings his infinite meassage to our ears, that all may read the scroll together and receive the worshipable Seven Spirits Of God.

Be One With God

If you believe God has given you a life task, which will please him and bring a lasting reward, you should put that first; but your love for the LORD should be first, first. Understand the One is nameless and none other but HE is able to hear you. So pray only to the One, with whom we have found much favor in this life. I get a lot of flack from idolaters and their beef gripe; lovers of flesh and a bloody idol of Jesus Christ. The Cross is uprightness before the Almighty, by his perfect Law! Whoso violates the Law sends his curse generations beyond him. Ignorance is a curse before Iouel, the Lawgiver! Those who taught men to love the flesh cannot be saved, while the saved rejoice seeing it when they finally pay for their monumental greed. God happily saves flesh eaters, teaching them about their smallness and His Greatness; they can feel his love to the very core of their being, celebrating the holidays with affection and joy; work being tasked to prove their virtue.

Yet be it understood there is a great falling away, as has spanned thousands of years, the brine of greed's necessity, deceitfully embued the tools of redemption; man failing even further, from world to world, forever that serpent sign east of the Garden Of God, as according to Enoch 60. And today man ascends entirely by faith, from the very beginning of his quest for the truth of God; but as he expands his vision, he gets the sense there is something inhibiting him finding the fullness of vision and pleasing the One, who is calling him even now. So allow the falling away the right to afford grace and grasp this; all that is written 'today' is a description of now, not before, not later, but right now. For they have generated man to the heights; so that his sins have reached and offended the highest heaven. None could ever forgive or undo the sins of their omission. The smell of their offense rose to the nostrils of the LORD.

They must now pay Jesus Christ for teaching man to love the flesh, in his Name. They must admit they struck down the word of all knowledge and fashioned an idol, even calling it the living word. This IDOL has destroyed knowledge all these generations. "They" the Angels wishing to tempt man, are hiding the higher Wisdom, as dispensed of those reaching the heights; first to bless man, then ascend to the Father Of Lights. There the beginning, the middle and the end are glorified as one, to praise the Chosen One forever and ever; HE bringing the Key Of Life in humility and lowliness before the nations of the world, he but a worm to men. And yet they can never bring a gripe before him, Iouel is One and Sophia stands victorious over all the enemies of that Virgin Spirit; no longer have they any power over him.

Glorify Love Everyday

In the Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, the Master instructs we make love the beginning, the middle part and very completetion of any endeavor; to it's very end, letting love be the only object. Those who serve the Light with dignity and self respect are the very salt of this earth. Llewelyn is Bela, since the defamation of the name IOUEL, exchangung Iouel for evil; she one with the Virgin Spirit. As they pushed their demonic 66 book Bible, they sought to frighten humanity into obedience. But I have appeared now, with the Key Of Life and Fourteen Communions, for the enrichment of life and the gift of eternity. People wise enough to open and read all Christian Scripture, will find that California is the enclosure of mountains, west at the ends of the earth, with a Great Serpent Corpse, just east of it, the Garden Of God, from whence I now bear this Key. I will use the very stones of the rivers edge, to build this bridge to the Angels, by the Fourteen Communions, in my mouth, in my thoughts and in my actions. Herein lies the gift of life everlasting, to the Elect. And the Wisdom is unto all creatures.

Whoso cries blasphemy, refuses to acknowledge the glorious roots of their own Christian Heritage, worshiping powdered white statues of Jesus, dying and suffering, betrayed to a barrage of idolotrous lies, by the same slight of man upon the religious texts, the world over. These are the works of the angels, who have pridefully sought to find their way back to the height of heights with the ALL; him who is All in all. Their pride has undone the world, from world to world. We must emulate Christ in our deeds; so expect Father Adamas to wed Eve, who was always Bela, there was none before. The Father Of Nature, Paut Neteru is the father of all. There are those who seek to supercede the word by demonic spirits, but are not honest with themselves about the sufferings of the Anointed One, who bears the Key.

Perhaps in their need to suffer, they throw their lives away, having not the affirmation from the One, by the Scriptures. Why would I show them what only I can pen; with the white fire, I blaze across the bosom of the night sky, lit ever by the Angel Of The Sun, giving pure romance to fill the night of love. For me it was no trifle a matter, standing in the Valley Of Angels, seeming place of punishment, west at the ends of the earth. Thus I left, going north, obseving the mountains spanning along the edge of the garden and that Serpent, whom I will never forget; his bones span all the way through the Bearing Strait. The ensign to the nations of the world is certainly the Garden Of Life, where the plant of righteousness is seeded and grown forever and ever. Let the nations flow unto it; we will die no more, there will be no death.

On This Sabbath

On this Sabbath will I resist the horned god, skewing the truth to the liking of sinners. We love neither flesh, nor it's stink, milk of the teats of beasts, or the rotting eggs of pheasants. Abominable are the ways of men, who claim my authority as their own. Theirs is for an earthly reign which must end, whereas mine is the very Rain Of Heaven, wherein Phanuel (or Pneuma) takes the fourth place of Uriel and brings eternal life to Humanity; as the stars provide their gravitational forces to the ethereal work of the Law, My God And Yours. They make insignia of the Law follow after archons, their meandering after worldliness, power and rebellion against IOUE, the Holy Spirit. They honor serpent power, to reveal lesser wisdom of those who serve only flesh; deceivers.

Thus any who consider the written Word to be authoritative by itself are misguided; ever do men dovetail it's sources as one Great Light, specifically concealing Treasure And Key! We find Thoth glorifying the Key Of Life by itself, because the Earth continues and abides forever, by the promise of God, the Father. Thus if there be an end to my life, it is so far in the future, that our university of understanding has yet to ever touch the concept of what death would even mean in that time; Thoth asserting that life and death are soon to become one! The Key Of Life was always held back until this time, Doreal having successfully obtained the Emerald Tablets Of Thoth The Atlantean, giving a limited publication; yet one raw of any fair, or even modern interpretation. Only Pneuma, the Holy Spirit may bring us understanding of the devotion of Thoth before IOUE, the One. For it is surely THAT Word what will come, only unto You; THAT is the Only God, serve no other LAW, but HIM!

For as some few may know, Manly P. Hall asserts that we are unable to prove the writings of Hermes, to actually be the writings of Hermes and not a devotee after him. That Hermes may have had a variable name, as a result of the infusing of two god's into the One, leaving alot of what we know, even behind the veil, to be seen truly only in part. I interpret everything as a Christian, being biased by the childhood knowledge, as is limited. Albeit, accepting Revelation as an unction of the past, the present and the future, flushed altogether, one may begin to unravel the mystery of the Archon. They rule and kill and lie to all of us, by human sacrifice, concealing my name Iouel; it is I who am the only King Of Llewelyn, the Bride. She is my strength, my healer and provider. When I fear this valley, she alone is my peaceful solace!

The Holy Spirit provides us all grace, thus is a woman best suited to be Ruler of the natural world, with her king in a perfected state of purity. My Ruler is Evelyn, for as she lives to serve only me, if she did not I would still be deadened by my own shame; a worm! When we give our lives to the Law, we are made free to see the One Invisible as the Greatest Form, bringing bounty, blessing and love to the causes of Humanity. God is always faithfully above us, watching over, so as to allow the Mother to nurture us in Understanding, Gnosis & Wisdom. Whoso has these three, will have the Christ, the Holy Spirit and the Everlasting Father, above and below. The Key Of Life IS the Promise Of Christ Jesus; call in the Brothers Of Brightness, by the Ancient Communions, bridges of the Christ unto God's Angels.

All Glory To IOUEL

All glory to IOUEL, Father Mother; the only most High God! Mother Earth and Father Sky guide us forth to the Light Of Lights. The Light is Iouel the Autogenes, who allowed the Avatar you chose to achieve oneness with God and bear you the Light in proxy. But that Light is really only You. The Lord foretold that his name would be upon the lips of all. When we break the Hebrew Tetragrammon into English; whether you read it from left to right or vice versa, IOUO represents the House Of God in Ancient Israel, which would have been built after the shape of the letters of his name, IOUO. 

The Yod ' being a flame floated above 3 separate compartments of the House, each shaped OUO. This is the work of the scholarly initiates, leaving the symbol of fire to illumine the name You; the same name Yew, given unto Adam in the Zoroastrian Texts; for ATUM was their God. Even the lower case letter (i) has a yod floating above it, the Word Lives! When we say Thou we have honored the conglomerative hest, that all things fold into one reality, the Cosmic Thought waiting to reveal that they were all truly one who sought the Light, never parted for even a moment from spiritual life. But what stumbles may only rise to seek the Light, thus put away all judgements of others and hold forth fast the Key Of Life. Pastors will perish who do not. God's Word must be fulfilled and it certainly will.

As for me, I relish the fruit of the name of God. My Love Evelyn is the Ewe Of God, surnamed Ewalena in the Hawaiian toungue; for me she alone is Llewelyn Of Lights! None can surpass her in sweetness and femeninity, she is the perfect replica of Isis. I was finally able to leave my father and mother, and cleave to my only wife. For the Earth is My Mother and My Father is the Sky! The All has led me into the valley of angels, what is the Garden Of God. I wonder if they consider this, who are living without; that they eat flesh and serve the god of this world, instead of the Mother Of All The Living, shall be their loss forever! Now they must be returned to God, that they may again become desire and perfect children of God.

I Am The Messenger

I Am Moses, Messe, the Messenger, your Messiah. To name me a Jew, is to conceal my name Iouel. While my bloodline is completely immaterial to me, it is only because I see the Word; as it has affirmed me the One appearing in the valley of angels, west at the end of the earth, winning over the Children Of Light. They will rise up and lie down with Me forevermore; this is the true foretelling! I appear to you as nothing more than a man, even as many others always knew; the true Messiah will be human, just like everyone else. And I am the most fragile of all, with any previous desire to succeed in life, ever suppressed by my own fear of failure. I've not accomplished much in life; I am a worm.

The Word was shut in my bones all along, awaiting the hour to herald the Key Of Life, what makes men to live on and on. But they must please the One, who is all in us all. For even God Himself is at the behest of the One, what Supreme One approves and verifies His Identity. And men exalted stand like Gods before the One, praising only the One; these will be with the All, who is within us all. We must walk in the Light, by the Light, meeting the new day therein; extending arms and activating power by the Sphere, standing with feet spread sparsely apart, calling out to the Seven Spirits Of God.

They who will not acknowledge that there is more to what God has said, are diabolically situated against the name of IOUEL. They hide the name within themselves, unaware the difference between the various pronunciations. And yet til the name is right, the Messenger may not truly be known; the Messe root being 'me' and the Youel root being 'you'. And yet the Lord hath placed his name on the lips of all, so he may silence every mouth when the day of his judgment comes. That judgement shall be in the opening of the books and the revealing of what true ancient Christian thought actually is. Then we will acknowledge the mind control, sought and used by religious leaders of the world.

We will forever acknowledge the ancients and how Christians also did, for their own defining of Christianity, as Uprightness! They'd have sought early morning worship of the Almighty, extended themselves in communion with the Light Of Lights, to meet the sun and bring in the New Day! That Light is subtle, hidden behind the veil of symbolism and strict adherence to a seeming infinite purpose; buried in platitudes, by the unfoldment of dispensations. But the Word is One and forever perpetuates the message of the truth, to any who will seek with sincerity, faith, courage and lovingkindness toward others. If they will love others, they will be found suited to see the highest Wisdom, wherein are seated the keys of life and death.

Accepting Youel As Master

Whether one accepts Master Youel, or IOUEL THE MASTER, is a very significant distinction. Youel is a fragile man, born into the world of men; thrown down to the depths of failure and despair, by the very Angels who were called to worship him. He is Adonai, but IOUEL is the One against whom they rebelled in the heights, to find themselves here below. Void of love for the One high above them, they have awakened forever in only this space; remaining here some long time ordained of IOUEL. The Gospel is the Supreme Law, wherein lies the Key Of Life, that judgement upon the spirits of the Giants! Having been formed by those Angels, who left the presence of the Most High, they too remained here below; ever ruling with them, yet unaware of the Greater Wisdom! Thus were some tasked with preserving the Wisdom Of God, that the Elect may find it, share it with humanity and bring forth the promise of IOUEL; everlasting life in the Garden Of God!

The One bringing the Wisdom IS Iouel; he is the Only Gospel and every initiate worth his weight in script knows it. The Key Of Life was the true promise, Thoth admonishing us to make a religion of it. DO NOT seek to generate mankind, but let humanity be regenerated by choice, as foretold by Enoch. Lying down in the river of life, they will be regenerated now and forever, worlds without end! Did they not hear Hermes Trismagistus say they may live as long as the Earth does? Why have they failed to believe God and search for him; despite those who cut the truth to pieces? They teach man to love flesh and war. Alas, they who will not repent the shortening of the Word, will perish harshly with the Wicked. For they saw the Word abused and compromised, yet said nothing to the men of God, who held back the books.

Instead, with these Shepherds Of Shame they asserted a hellacious punishment for all who disobeyed their Commandments, eraticating the first command of love. We see them ignoring free speech, growing quick to bear arms and kill. They mock truth and resist saints who come bearing good tidings; asking them to ponder truth, that the Fountainhead may also flow freely through them. For if one lies down an hour a day, with their head pointed to the north, then lies down for an hour, with their head pointed to the south; that One will praise IOUEL and live on endlessly, by the River Of Life. They will discover the key, standing with the elect, who will forever spread the Key. They will lead all men to the Light Of Humanity! These Brothers Of Brightness come bearing the Key Of Life to all Creation!

To Diminish The Testimony Of God

To diminsh the testimony of God, for authority sake and to manipulate humanity; rather than submit to God. To LIE and not tell the truth, to NOT obey the Word as HE sent it! Man seeks to publish what IOUEL has said and to infuse wickedness into the things of God; throwing out that what requires us to repent flesh eating and bloodlust! These who will not repent of the Great Whore, will surely fall down with the Wicked, to be judged harshly; as they judged even the smallest of babes. In their wombs did they kill them, just for being untimely. For the righteous angels have now ascended, leaving the riotous to scream foul play. IOUEL has seen them all, watching them cut his Canon in half, to justify the cruel imprisoning of men, rather than repenting the love of the flesh. All who eat it die; it is murder to eat God's Creatures.

Samael was faithful to Me and gave the Key Of Life, ascending to Heights where the Angels reside; on High with the Highest! He who is seated on the throne and prevailing above, is the Overspirit IOUEL; One with Michael and the Chosen One! Let them ignore the hidden things what are the things of IOUEL; they are hidden neither by God, nor His Servant! No one concealing the truth represents it! Whereas the Servant, Iouel tells all; revealing sinners and their plot against humanity, even the benficiary who is a devil! They die, but do not die; letting the world weep for them, while the afflicted are trodden under foot and made slaves to their lie. They have taken books from God's Word, crying about how all have assaulted their devil, who is but a devil, longing for the world to glorify him as a theif and a liar!

These who add or take words, books, letters, any writings from the testimonies of IOUEL; these are they who hate to see the world educated, they hate to see the truth unbound and the Great God glorified! For they hate IOUEL, who saved them, placed love in their hearts and showed them mercy! They would rather see the world languish in unbelief and bloodlust, than admit they took away the Testimony Of God. For to have man eat flesh, is to have the world. Look at men accept their portion in the Lake Of Fire. (the lie) They who love not God's creatures enough to resist eating them, will perish with them; and the beasts they eat will cry out against them, for the mass slaughter of themselves and their kind. Never was the generation of man from God, rather the Unbegotten, living in the heart of every creature; He LOVE, (IOUEL) will not fail in redeeming those who do good in front of Him.

If Anyone Doubts God

If anyone doubts God, that he has come down, inhabiting Me by the name Iouel, it is because they know not My Name; it is totally concealed and not shown to Humanity. As Phillip spake in his Gospel, "One single name is not uttered in the world, the name which the Father gave to the Son; it is the name above all things: the name of the Father. For the Son would not become Father unless he wore the name of the Father. Those who know this name will not speak it; and those who do not know it, never do." Only he who has been significantly marked by the numbers 6 and 7, may bear that name openly and stand as candidate to be the Chosen One; although surely may there be NO CANDIDATE, for only IOUEL, the God Of Israel, the One, the Father-Mother of Yeshu, Mani and Zoroaster; only he prevails!

Let them search the hidden things; I boldly soar beyond them saying; 'Enoch reveals it; the Chosen One is born in the end times, is a laborer and is jealous of the one claiming to be the Chosen One'. Well, it is infact the decrepid one, with his wretched finger, who is jealous of Iouel, HE One in All! A man will ask a seven day old baby the answers to life, receiving them whitless, to nourish his soul and bring back meaning, as if a sophisticated valve stopped, what with the right confession would surley flow. In that light, think of the divine nature breathing the answer, by the fragrance of Kether in that tiny Child. And know that no man may seize upon humanity, to force his god, by seduction or trickery. I Pigeradamis have removed this power from the world. For when Samael ascended, the devils could no longer exploit him.

They, the others sought to bring a great Judgment upon the Garden Of Life! But IOUEL, the God Of Abraham, Issac and Jacob heard the call of the Chosen One, who knew of a certainty, the Garden was unto Llewelyn; True Lady Of The Lake. For when Father-Mother called Me back to the Valley Of Angels, I saw the ascension of Samael, who was faithful to his repentance, preserving the Arcane Wisdom, what has forever been the Key Of Life and the only Gospel! Now the power of Satan has been lifted and they may no longer misguide humanity. For those dark spirits have none to report back to, but their victims! Let them read the Gospel Of Phillip to know of the certainty of the spirits what tempt. Let them be fully reminded of those spirits and their influence over their very bodies, even right now!

Praise IOUEL, the Spirit whereby all good things come to light, by whom is the dissolution of error. May we open our hearts to the Light Of Truth; thereby seeing IOUEL in the hearts of all Nations and Peoples. When a nation is overrun by wickedness and the poor are trampled under foot, it is they with whom Yeshu resides, it is they with whom the Angels abide. The hearts of humanity must be discovered in the Light Of Day, burning for justice due the poor, those oppressed, those afflicted and those downtrodden. Let them not fear the error of the Wicked, it is only those who follow in their error who truly stumble; it is only those who bring the spirits in, who lose. Not even the strongest of saints can see his error because of them. For inasmuch as My Name is hidden by them, do they fully hide their shame from all.

What Are The Seven Spirits?

The Seven exist inside the One, because of the One; what are the Seven Spirits? Quite simply, they are the eras of life's own circumstance, which exist inside of the One alone, each a lifeforce, because of the One and because of Wisdom. The First of these is Principle Of Mind. The All is mind and so as you are the very thought, the Universe is thinking! Know that THOUGHT is sufficient to the All, what is ALL in Us All. Thus may we consider ourselves the Child, by virtue of our coming into existence, even like unto how the Self Created came forth; yearning for the Light of lights, to reveal the Goal! Truly YOU are that; and the Lord Of Spirits is THAT, by sacred writ and the unfoldment of life's truths locally. Understand, there is no prophet or seer with perpetual sight. The youth sees and lives in the light fully, while his parents live in ignorance and backsliddeness. For the Light is no respector of persons.

I Am Michael! The second gift I bring is the Spirit Of Correspondence. Even coincidence is no feat to this Law, what is the Highest Of All Divinities! All that is virtuous enters into the heart by the Law, what is the Mother Of Wisdom! It is difficult to let go the idol and continue as one self, but whoso holds fast the Seven Spirits including the Principle Of Gender, will always abide the Law. For therein are the results, which circle infinity, returning the same to any and all who exact upon them; that is the power of the Law! If I renounce the idol, I must not forget the Gnosis given me of the One, THAT what is in Us All. If I renounce the Law, I will stumble in areas I would never have stumbled over in my youth. Albeit if I follow the Law Of Love, I will fulfill all that I did as a young believer, who had no source but the recitation of verse; for therein were the Seven Spirits unbeknownst to me, bringing in the very Wisdom!

The Third I bring, is the Principle Of Vibration. This universal principle proves when we pray, sing, utter good omens or offer the All praise with our lips, we find the ability to see the All in everyone. Having learned the Principle Of Correspondence, we are aware that everything is closely knit together in a universal dance. Thus those who are in far away lands, fighting against the best men of my nation; they are the best of men in their nations. See the corresponding nature of the virtues of soldiers, each the best in their own land and choose to be Best Of All, renouncing paths of death: the love of flesh and money, worldly treasures and a bloodlust what cannot be quenched. In so doing, may I use the principle of vibration to tell others about the Principle Of Mind in all places; and to praise that Almighty, who is NOT Azazel; He who ascended, having preserved this Higher Wisdom, extended to the Chosen!

Next the Principle Of Polarity will flow in, to glorify the reason for living and finding all meaning in front of the Father Of Lights. For everything in the universe holds a polarity, each in the formation of it's divided parts, as well as in the remaining elements of their constitution. This is how the All flows into all and out to all else. Yet for the individual is the River Of Life, attained by those who will lie down in the waters of life, flowing from the heart of Earth and filling all things! We may draw on Earth's polarity and being regenerated, live on to Infinity! The Conscious form you know may be taken on with you, forever! And what we learn of how we come into existence through desire, holds the exact corresponding method and result for the various aspects of balance in life and eternity; thus we needn't lay down these bodies.

 The Principle Of Rhythm should be self explanatory to the modern man. There is a rhythm to that what is continually organized, categorized and volumised for reference sake. But know that the written words of men, reflect the WORD within every human heart, what enlightens them, encourages them, inspires them to do the good and even reach for the very stars! Humans are achievers and there are those who achieve things the minds of many may never grasp, but by unity do we all grasp truth. For without unity there can be no order. Thus as I ignite the Seven, by speculation and recitation, do I begin the great work of unifying my own heart, the seven principles revealing over and again, the very causes of life.

The Principle Of Cause & Effect, this a great one. For as causes bring forth their effects from every direction in every corner of the universe, the cause of knowledge, which is the Mind, remains paramount! In the seven priniciples, effecting each and every outcome, cooperates each one with another, in glorifying and bringing about the Greater Cause, by the principles of rhythm, correspondence and vibration. But what is the Greater Cause? In this era, the greater good is the greater cause, but the Great Cause is only emulated in those good causes bringing liberation to the soul of all. For when the bride is honored and the King is hailed, the truth remains in Earth; for the One is ALL in All; which leads us now, to Seven.

Finding the Oneness, we must know of the Principle Of Gender; that there is neither male nor female, but Oneness of life to all. We must likewise afford virtue, trust and confidence, the meaning of life and the Cause Of Causes, the All! It is the Androgynous Mystery, how everything in the universe has masculine and feminine qualities; defining expressions making the clarity of it's meaning a complete whole, bringing in the answers to life's toughest questions. We must shun the idea that there is any difference between two halves of one whole. Yes, it is what you think. The Ancients shamed not the androgynous of their worlds, but rather followed Thoth's Rule Of Love, through The Sermon On The Mount Of Regeneration.