They Hid The Truth Of The Tree

They hid the truth of the Tree, that Holy Tree Of Life, the ultimate example unto humanity. We should think of all trees as our brothers, for they are rooted in the Earth Mother, with their many arms always giving glory to the Heavenly Father. Like the holy Tree, it is ever best to be still and know that He is God, he who alone delivered the Anointed from the grave, before they even tried to kill him. So what was death for you or me, could not be for him; he the Law, because of the Holy Law! For as the Earthly Mother is one with the Heavenly Father, we are one with her, Our Mother! The Angels Of God delivered Yeshua from the grave, for interaction with them, is obedience the Holy Law, what is Your Ruler and Mine.

Evening, Morning And Noon

Any taking unto that deeper interest, seeing Yeshua open the Essene Way before them, following the Communions Of The Angels Of The Heavenly Father and The Earthly Mother; they may have noticed the First Communion, with the Angel Of Power is Tuesday night, but the Communion with the Angel Of The Sun the following morning, Wednesday, is the First Communion as well. We must learn to rise with the elements of morning, bathe in the most holy arms of the Angel Of Water, commune with the holy Angels of the Sun and of the Air; who always bring to us faithfully, the New Day according to the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father, holy Law of Eternity! As we learn to filter out addages in Writ, what seem to convey affections or teachings not from God, but fallen spirits; thus do we resist the oath of the fallen at Mount Hermon. There needn't be a lot of controvesy in this. 'The Gospel Of The Holy Twelve' was published in 1881, from a scroll found in Thibet, at an Essene Enclave. Essene Texts pulled from such unrelated references always glorify the Sevenfold Peace, daily purification by communing with Angels Of God, morning noon and night! The Essene Gospels Of Peace, were discovered on Papyri, found in the Library of the Vatican and translated in 1929, by Edmond Bordeaux Seleky. These texts distinctly described the Path To Peace, by Communing each day with the Angels Of Father-Mother God; purifying their daily lives thereby.

Later in 1947, the dead sea scrolls were dug up, with many Essene writings, glorifying the holy Law and the Sevenfold Peace, daily purifying by the holy communion with God's Angels; many ancient writings, such as the Manual Of Discipline, as well as the Thanksgiving Psalms. According to the Essene Humane Gospel Of Yeshua, Jesus came forth preaching the Essene Law Of Moses to the people of the ancient world. He gave clear instruction, not to touch strong drink, animals slaughtered for sustenence, or see the benefit of any kind of cruelty to any of the children of the Household Of God, which involves his covenant between us and all living things, all things flying in the heaven above, swimming in the ocean beneath; everyone of the Household Of God! Be not beligerent toward the correct Gospel, lying influences have deeply affected all people, by the false Greek Gospels. Whereas the Essene Humane Gospels, are the Holy Word Of God, leading us to the Holy Scrolls of the Ancient Essene Community, bearing to us the miraculous testimonies of God, which cannot be refuted in the light of day. No one ever opened my eyes better than he, when the human, Jesus winked back at me, through the depth of my many years of profound, prayerful study.

I cannot make excuses for what he preached, or what he boldly prophesied. I cannot make excuses for his refusal to honor the sacrifice of the Passover Lamb. He rebuked it as equivalent to a heathen ceremony, within the walls of God's House. But he also knew that We are God's Temples, fully fashioned by direct Communion with the Angels of God, of both the Earthly Mother and the Heavenly Father; Evening, Morning and Noon! Note Wednesday night, the Second Communion, is with the Angel Of Love. Today, I celebrated the Second Communion with the Angel of Water; and like everyday, I allowed that water to be activated by the Angels of the Sun, and of the Air. They who see not the Noontide Peace, sending out God's Peace to the whole world; they think of this as some kind of worship of the elements. When in fact the truth is clear; the Tree Of Life stood tall here in the Infinite Garden, there is no other world in my estimation. Who may measure heaven and earth, or tell the mysteries of the Infinite Space beyond, but the Heavenly Father? See the Earthly Mother; she also is of the Holy Tree.

Who's Next

They Read Not, Hear Not, Obey Not

They read not, hear not, obey not; but what do they say of those who will not hear their Orthodox Bibles? I say the same of these very ones, who have never heard the Essene Gospel Of Peace; those who have never bowed down to God in obedience to the holy Law, given by Yeshua, The Prophet! They're LOST! For if God has not ordained it, the very least aspirant may sense He is not in it! God is the Father of all, and they know it. It is why they reject Your Father, whom you say they have not received! It is you who secretly hear whisperings of fallen angels, bartering for your soul, which you consider to be of such worth. If you will not follow the true words of the Yasha Prophet, you will find the holy Law to be a sword, by which you will remove your own head.

Yeshua is the Master, to the Glory Of Iouo alone, they who do not believe in Iouo, believe neither in Imanuel. They approve a few sordid books, which make blood sacrifice acceptable to remove sins; it never was, so Jesus did not die for anyone's sins, he died for preaching the Holy Law and God raised him from the dead! But they who receive not the holy Law, worship JESUS as a Law unto themselves; the God Of Israel shall be your judge, soon! How dare you whip the backs of self initiated aspirants, serving Almighty God with their far seeking spirits; growing in the Wisdom of understanding, til finally approaching the Holy Law, saved by the Seven Spirits; the Angels who accompany the Angel Of Peace, Love, Life, Joy, Power and Wisdom! If you have ears of the Essene Gospel, you can hear me!

Be not fooled by those with the texts of the Greeks, which serve Satan and his Agents! For his ego rises up in him, again and again, to admit he is the Serpent! The LORD will strike down those who preach only the Bible, knowing God's Pure Word IS invisible; residing in the hearts of men, begging them to stop sinning against him and the holy Law, who alone is Our Only God! He is all in us all, who are his moving and working parts; if we will but return to him and exchange our ideas for His Commands. He has always been the same Father, but we were tricked and taught that the sons of Ishmael, Korah, and their like around the world, were unbelievers bound for hell, without God! Meanwhile, it is the Christians rejecting the holy Law, given by the Prophet Yeshua!

Satan Cannot Deceive

Be assured SATAN hath lost the power to deceive us. They didn't want us building a tower to heaven, lest we see the mystery of mysteries, the Tree Of Life, The Holy Law, by which the Great Ones lived life, ageless and undying, building empires within the Great Tree of Life, Yggdrasil! Whoso obeys the holy Law, may live from now until beyond eternity's end. For we know the Earth Mother abides forever and God is faithful to all who reach to their utmost for His Highest. They surpass their own desires for notoriety, to help bring God's Will and see it done for all, somehow. There will be no evil in the world to come. For man will once again eat the fruit of the table of the Earthly Mother, prepared before him, in the presence of his enemies. They who will turn fully to the Gospel Of Peace, will finally have their eyes opened in full, by the God of Israel.

And again, Satan, who is Azazel, Samael and Samyaza may not deceive mankind anymore. God sends his holy ones, to bear the truth to Man, he must follow the God in his heart, to see if he may find some agreement among the many lies and deceptions of the Seventh Thousand Years! For now, in the New Millennia, I bring the holy Law, as clearly given by the Lord Jesus, whom we have loved, by the power of the Autogenic within us. For God is great and we are fearfully, wonderfully made; that we may find our way Godward and receive wisdom from the Anointed Master and find heaven in the afterlife. But there was once a greater way, even bequeathed to us, pouring forth in glory to this very Holy Day! For surely as the Earth is still holy, she is your healer; and receiving her angels in the morning is the holy Way, leading to the holy Way in the night, by the Angels of the Heavenly Father.

I encourage all men to eat of the table of the Earthly Mother; and to reject the consumption of the flesh, which is abominable in the sight of the Almighty. We must understand it is tempting the Almighty, to let even one drop of blood spill onto the Earth, while the blood of the Earth Mother pours Joy freely forth, by the healing Angel of Water! Jesus tells us that devilish men taught us to eat animals, apes and men, to bring harm and violence into the holy Earth Mother! The Almighty is going to remove such wicked men. She, Mother Earth alone, will please the Heavenly Father, by being our everlasting habitation, where nobody ever gets old, and nobody ever dies. This is the promise of the God Of Israel. It is because of our deviation from the holy Law that we fail; and yet it is by our surrender to the holy Law thus far, as has carried us into his instruction. Know that the Word comes by the All!