The seventh Communion is with the Heavenly Father
"The Heavenly Father and I are One."
The Heavenly Father,
Who is,
Who was, and
Who ever shall be.
O Great Creator!
Thou didst create the Heavenly Angels,
And thou didst reveal the
Heavenly Laws!
7'hou art my refuge and my fortress,
Thou art from everlasting.
Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place
In all generations.
Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever thou hadst formed the earth,
Even from everlasting to everlasting,
Thou art God!
Who hath made the waters,
And who maketh the plants?
Who to the wind
Hath yoked the storm-clouds,
The swift and even the fleetest?
Who, O Great Creator!
Is the fountain of Eternal Life
Within our souls?
Who hath made the Light and the Darkness?
Who hath made sleep
And the zest of the waking hours?
Who spread the noontides
And the midnight?
Thou, O' Great Creator!
Thou hast made the earth
By thy power,
Hath established the world
By thy wisdom,
And hath stretched out the heavens
By thy love.
Do thou reveal unto me
O' Heavenly Father,
Thy nature,
Which is the power of the
Angels of thy Holy Kingdom.
Immortality and the Heavenly Order
Hast thou given, O Creator,
And the best of all things,
Thy Holy Law!
I will praise thy works
With songs of thanksgiving,
In all the generations of time.
With the coming of day
I embrace my Mother,
With the coming of night,
I join with my Father,
And with the outgoing
Of evening and morning
I will breathe Their Law,
And I will not interrupt these Communions Until the end of time "
And over heaven and earth was a great silence, and the peace of the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother shone over the heads of Jesus and the multitude.
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